Program Overview

The Marketing Transformers: Agents of Change

Learnings from MarTech Leaders Inspiring Marketing Modernization Worldwide

This CMO Council strategic thought leadership initiative sources and shares the experiential knowledge of successful marketing transformation leaders in global geographies. The Agents of Change campaign run by the CMO Council will recognize and profile “Marketing Transformers” while also helping regional marketers avoid the pain and increase the gain from marketing operational automation, AI acceleration, customer connectivity and valued data accessibility.


“Assess Where You Need to Progress”
Rating the State of Digital Marketing Transformation

Chief marketers are typically overwhelmed with the day-to-day demands associated with strategic planning, branding, meeting, campaigning, and peer-level politicking. They are distracted by greater demands, complexities, and tactical execution challenges in the go-to-market process. In many cases, they are diverted with organizational transformation, operational restructuring and talent sourcing needs. And they face pressure to better map and model the marketing mix, as well as substantiate and validate marketing spend.

Senior marketers are in need of consultation, guidance, and direction when it comes to helping them specify, implement and adopt Enterprise Marketing Management practices and solutions. To this end, “Assess Where You Need to Progress” will be aimed at engaging senior marketers in a benchmarking process to determine their company’s level of MarTech maturity and modernization. It will also look at where and how modular, progressive and selective investments in MarTech can improve marketing campaign effectiveness and overall business performance.

The Marketing Transformers program will include the development and provisioning of interactive online tools to scorecard MarTech readiness, as well as a MarTech migration roadmap. The thought leadership initiative will also showcase best practices among early adopters and regional MarTech leaders, as well as provide marketers with templates and frameworks for making a stronger business case for MarTech spend in interactions with CIOs, CFOs, CPOs, and other management stakeholders.

Research: Survey & Reports


Curated Facts & Stats

Global Martech Software Forecast, 2023 To 2027, we expect worldwide spending on marketing technology tools to surpass $215 billion by 2027, implying a 13.3% annual growth rate.

Source: Forrester

The global marketing technology (MarTech) market was valued at USD 325.7 billion in 2022 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 19.8% from 2023 to 2030.

Source: Grand View Research

The growing demand for social media management tools, rising employment of chatbots, and increasing need to gain a holistic view of marketing efforts and measure the impact of campaigns among marketers represent some of the key factors driving the market.

Source: IMARC Group

Martech is more important than ever, and martech budgets are continuing to grow. The global market for Martech and Salestech is estimated to be worth $508.9bn in 2022/23.

Source: Ixa Hub

Today’s marketers are strategic storytellers, weaving customer engagement into tangible business results. Their mission: forge powerful connections between consumers and the brands they adore.

Source: Netcore Cloud

Customer expectations are rising. Marketing technology -- martech -- is the key to meeting and exceeding those demands.


At least 40% of US CEOs expect CMOs to focus on five key growth challenges: revenue, market share, competition, reputation, and company narrative.

Source: eMarketer

Gartner’s 2023 Marketing Technology Survey reveals that martech utilization has plummeted to 33%, creating risk and drawing CMOs into a choice of how to respond. CMOs must balance AI pursuits with the need to maximize returns on existing investments.

Source: Gartner


Curated Reading

Program Themes

  • CMO - CIO Alignment
  • Role of CMO
  • CX Strategy
  • MarTech
  • Global Trends
  • Digital Marketing
  • Marketing Innovation
  • Digital Transformation

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