
2014-06-05 11:00:00 2014-06-05 12:00:00 Webcast: The New CMO To-Do List Join the CMO Council, in partnership with IBM, as we explore these new priorities and the required to-do list for the senior-level marketer. This one-hour webcast will focus on these changing prior Webcast CMO Council cmoteam@cmocouncil.org

Webcast: The New CMO To-Do List

June 5, 2014
11:00 AM

In today's business landscape, the role of the CMO is in constant flux, ever evolving as the keeper of the brand, the architect of the customer experience and the visionary behind business growth and opportunity. This is a tall order, and it requires a new set of priorities. So what is on the to-do list for today's digital CMO? How will this list of priorities impact how the rest of the C-suite is advancing the business agenda?

Join the CMO Council, in partnership with IBM, as we explore these new priorities and the required to-do list for the senior-level marketer. This one-hour webcast will focus on these changing priorities and how industry leaders are shaping their own strategies, teams and businesses for future success. From achieving a deeper understanding of the customer to building new partnerships and alliances across the C-suite, our speakers will share their own views on the evolving requirements and new emerging challenges they are facing in this age of digital, social and mobile engagement. Everyone who joins this webcast will also receive a copy of the Institute for Business Value's latest findings: "Insight from the Global Chief Marketing Officer C-Suite Study."



  • Veena Pureswaran, Global Electronics Industry Lead – IBM Institute for Business Value
  • Elizabeth Halaki, Chief Marketing Officer – Canon Business Process Services
  • Liz Miller, Senior Vice President of Marketing – CMO Council 


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