Dinner Dialogue

2019-10-29 18:30:00 2019-10-29 19:30:00 America/New_York Taking Social Personally (NYC) Rethinking how we are putting social advertising to work. New York City CMO Council cmoteam@cmocouncil.org
NYC Skyline

Taking Social Personally (NYC)
Getting Creative About Social's Next Optimization Evolution

October 29, 2019
American Cut
New York City
6:30 PM Eastern Time
In Partnership with: Smartly.io

Marketers have always known that a strong brand is your strongest asset when it comes to convincing and keeping customers. However, when it comes to social advertising, many brands struggle to create enough creative content to increase brand performance.

How do we ignore these trends, and increase brand performance? What if we expect our social advertising investments to both convince and retain our customers? What if, instead of shifting how we interpret metrics to fit our budgets, we rethink how we are putting our social advertising to work? How can we expect more engagement, effectiveness, and profitability from our social advertising?

To begin this discussion and debate, we will be gathering an executive roundtable around how social advertising has evolved and how breakthrough brands are scaling creative, engagement and measurement to meet the needs of both the social customer and the social business in an age of personalization and engagement.

Our roundtable conversation will begin with a few key questions:

  • Can social media scale and save? Should marketers have to choose one over the other?
  • Can social media feel organic, but be optimized? Are we using a creative approach, or are is our best engagement limited by our campaigns?
  • Can social use both the analytical left brain and creative right brain? Are our campaigns bringing in enough intel so that we can respond accordingly to our customers?
  • Can social be both personal and profitable? Are we utilizing all the information available to optimize social, and see what truly drives profits?

If you are interested in attending this dinner or have any questions please contact Kelsey Gasch at kgasch@cmocouncil.org.