Dinner Dialogue

2013-06-13 06:30:00 2013-06-13 07:30:00 Dinner Dialogue: Turning Local Trends Into Transactions In one of the latest studies from the CMO Council, "Brand Automation for Local Activation", 59 percent of marketers believe that local marketing is essential to driving business growth and pr New York, NY CMO Council cmoteam@cmocouncil.org

Dinner Dialogue: Turning Local Trends Into Transactions

June 13, 2013
New York, NY
6:30 AM

Marketers are struggling to maintain a consistent brand image across complex networks and roll out global campaigns across multi-national or multilingual localized markets. Furthermore, they are at a loss for how to measure the impact and effectiveness of these campaigns. How can marketers more effectively activate local customers to engage with local stores, vendors, partners or individual agents? What are the required channels, measures and resources that can be combined to create a comprehensive strategy to optimize customer activation?


Please be our guest on Thursday, June 13, at a complimentary dinner, where we will discuss the key findings from our "Brand Automation for Local Activationreport. Topics of discussion will include current trends in local customer engagement and the tools and technologies that are reshaping the local marketing landscape, as well as best practices on driving channel and field sales effectiveness and expanding social, mobile and local marketing.


For inquiries, please contact Lauren Giangregorio at lgiangregorio@cmocouncil.org or 650.433.4164.