Dinner Dialogue

2015-10-13 06:30:00 2015-10-13 07:30:00 Dinner Dialogue: Replacing Assumption With Actionable Prediction: Avoiding the Pitfalls When Reaching and Engaging the SMB Market Please see below CMO Council cmoteam@cmocouncil.org

Dinner Dialogue: Replacing Assumption With Actionable Prediction: Avoiding the Pitfalls When Reaching and Engaging the SMB Market

October 13, 2015 - November 19, 2015
Please see below
6:30 AM

Since the small and medium-size business (SMB) market is awash with opportunity, it is undeniable that making the case for creating a segmentation strategy to specifically address the small business owner is almost intoxicating. When the CMO Council asked what marketers felt their greatest challenge would be specific to addressing the SMB space, 35 percent pointed to verifying the lead and contact data of a quickly shifting SMB contact list while 30 percent felt their biggest challenge was gaining visibility into the buying and decision cycle of the SMB buyer. So the real question isn’t if the SMB market is rife with opportunity—it is how we can effectively reach and activate the market.


During this executive roundtable series, the focus of our conversation was around the challenges that marketers are facing in reaching and effectively activating the SMB business marketplace.


During dinner, we explored such questions as:


  • Where and how is the combination of data and software data being most effectively leveraged for a sustainable customer acquisition strategy when reaching and engaging with the SMB market, and is this working at scale?
  • What assumptions are being made about the behaviors, outlook and intentions of the ideal SMB buyer/specifier?
  • What data sources and actionable points of insight are critical to creating a unique SMB customer journey?
  • Can the SMB market be engaged with internal data alone?
  • What has emerged as the most significant roadblock to achieving true, predictive, intelligence-driven roadmaps to SMB engagement?


This dinner series was held on the following dates and following locations:


October 13 – San Francisco

October 15 – Seattle

October 20 – New York City 

October 22 – Atlanta

November 17 – Chicago

November 19 – Dallas