Dinner Dialogue

2013-05-20 06:30:00 2013-05-20 07:30:00 Dinner Dialogue: Improve Every Marketing Move This invitation-only CMO Council dinner is co-hosted by IBM and will feature thought leadership on how to intersect technology and marketing to drive smarter marketing decisions. To request an New York, NY CMO Council cmoteam@cmocouncil.org

Dinner Dialogue: Improve Every Marketing Move

May 20, 2013
New York, NY
6:30 AM

Today’s CMO is challenged with how to intersect technology with marketing to predict customer behavior, segment at the individual level, create advocacy at scale, intercept demand with automated triggers, create a consistent experience across multiple channels, harness the power of emerging technologies, and elevate the CMO role to have a total business leadership scope. 


This invitation-only dinner is co-hosted by IBM and the CMO Council and will feature thought leadership on how to intersect technology and marketing to drive smarter marketing decisions. Additionally, the roundtable will offer the opportunity for networking with other marketing leaders in your industry.


To request an invitation, please contact Kamilla Nosovitskaya (knosovitskaya@cmocouncil.org).