Dinner Dialogue

2015-10-12 06:30:00 2015-10-12 07:30:00 Dinner Dialogue: Brand Attraction From Enriched Interaction Dublin, Ireland CMO Council cmoteam@cmocouncil.org

Dinner Dialogue: Brand Attraction From Enriched Interaction

October 12, 2015
Dublin, Ireland
6:30 AM

Digital content: marketer's best friend or worst enemy? With more and more digital content being published, syndicated, and distributed across numerous channels, content has to be configured and produced in multiple formats and delivery modes to attract the right attention, entice engagement, and acquire and grow relationships to encourage purchase and further word-of-mouth.  


The CMO Council conducted an executive leadership roundtable that asked marketing leaders and industry experts to share their insights into the best practices on different digital media strategies and content management technologies that will help you and your brand realize the full value of rich media engagement, crowdsourced content, and mass-customized commerce through higher levels of personalization and tailored interaction.


Some of the topics that were discussed and debated included:


  • How brands can rate their ability to captivate and engage through evolving social channels of interaction and digital experience
  • How effectively brands create, execute, and tailor new multi-channel, digital marketing campaigns to better reach and resonate with diverse audiences worldwide
  • The mobile apps, analytics, tools, and other platforms to embrace or consider to create richer, more meaningful interaction with key stakeholders
  • How companies achieve competitive advantage and business impact with more enriched, personalized content and digital interaction
  • Where and how digital experiences shape and influence the attraction, acquisition, and retention of customers
  • How brands can become proficient at integrating content and commerce to increase the value of customer touch points, experiences, and relationships