Dinner Dialogue

2016-08-10 18:30:00 2016-08-10 19:30:00 Context, Commerce and Customer: Best Practices to Exceed Expectations (Dallas, TX) This roundtable event will focus on the critical next steps forward as brands take advantage of recent marketing technology investments and start advancing strategies in analytics, experience and c Dallas, TX CMO Council cmoteam@cmocouncil.org
Dallas, Texas skyline at night

Context, Commerce and Customer: Best Practices to Exceed Expectations (Dallas, TX)

August 10, 2016
Dallas, TX
6:30 PM

This roundtable event will focus on the critical next steps forward as brands take advantage of recent technology investments and start advancing strategies in analytics, experience and customer journeys. Over dinner, the CMO Council will gather a group of senior marketing executives to discuss issues ranging from the technology frustrations marketers are managing to the new data, intelligence and engagement strategies marketers and commerce executives must master in order to truly tap into the power of contextual experiences. We will also discuss best practices and strategies to deliver customer engagements and experiences that are intentionally developed, deployed, measured, monitored and fully monetized to encourage commerce and connection.