Having completed his undergraduate education in the Department of Political Science and International Relations at Boğaziçi University and his master's degree in the Institute of Political Science of the London School of Economics, Murat Büyükkucak, started his professional career as a Strategic Planning Specialist at Starcom in 2003. He then worked as Assistant Brand Manager at Mondelēz International and Brand Manager at Coca-Cola and Novartis. Having worked in various senior positions at British American Tobacco Türkiye for three years and Vodafone Türkiye for eight years, he served as CMO at Iyzico for two years. Murat Büyükkucak, who started to work as the Marketing Director at Adel Kalemcilik in December 2023, was responsible for determining brand and communication targets and implementing action plans in line with vision, mission and strategies as the Head of Brand Management Department at Akbank.